Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cole and his little baby walker

For Christmas we bought, I mean Santa brought Cole this toy that he can sit and play music on. It also has wheels so that he can learn to walk with it. He is so cute when he tries to walk with it because he looks like a little old man pushing around a walker, only missing the tennis balls at the bottom. Unfortunately, the wheels don't have a thing so that we can change the resistance so the toy often goes faster than the boy. Here's some video footage of him. My apologies about the video Mom, as I was standing and moving when I was video taping it so it might make you sick. And in other news, Cole reached new heights with his personal best of climbing 13 steps the other day. Although today he reached his personal worst and had his first fall down the steps (don't worry it was less than 13 steps). I think he may have slipped on some clothes that were strewn about on the steps. Hopefully he will avoid all future boobie-traps on the stairs.