Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Three Months Old

At this point I should probably just rename my blog "Everything About Cole", however, I really don't know how to do that. Plus, any future children that we have may be offended. Although a few weeks late, I wanted to create a post about our little love-dove at three months old. Currently, his favorite things to do are; Suck on his hands (he loves the taste of baby), Eat, Sleep (he has become really good at it and recently started sleeping through the night, usually 9pm- 8am), Poop (he has a special fondness for the explosive variety), Slime people, Honk noses, Fart (they smell AWFUL), Smile, Talk, and just recently - Laughing (especially at his Aunt Brittany - he thinks she is hilarious) We love this little boy so much. He has brought so much joy into our family and it is so exciting to see him learn new things each day. Here are some pictures I took of him on his three month birthday.

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